About Us

This photo of the 2014 members was taken in Washington Park, at the bandshell. Members shown [from top, l to r] are: Jane Denby, Marty Palladin, Grace Wenz, Linda Kopecky, Catherine Flynn, Nancy Chapin, Penny Troy, Delinda Chapman, Lynn Fritag, Kathie Kojis, Kathy Hoffmann, Anne Morgan, Mary Beth Stephens, Mary Beaumont, Deborah Berman, Ruthann Mazrim, Marty Sumner, Susie Hammond, Elaine Birtch, Dee Funk, Sheri Ramsey, Lisa Stone, Molly Schlich, Esther Lam and Mary Anne Singleton.

The Anti-Rust Club began in Springfield, IL, in the late 19th century as a literary forum for women; its motto is excerpted from a poetical work by Robert Browning:

Just so much work as keeps the brain from rust
Just so much play as lets the heart expand.
— Robert Browning

In existence since February 4, 1894, the Anti-Rust Club continues to be a cherished part of its members' lives as well as a literary club held in high regard. Meetings generally have four agenda items — Roll Call, Minutes, Paper ( being presented) and Special Topics. Themes chosen to be the focus of yearly program calendars afford us a fascinating peek into the changing interests and world views from 1894 to the present.

1894-1895Great Women
1921-1922Dr. Johnson and His Friends — "The Proper
Study of Mankind is Man"
1951-1952Unorthodox Americans (Rascals, Traitors,
Martyrs, Crusaders and Colorful Characters)
1974-1975Birds of a Feather: Salons
2001-2002Made in America
2019-2020Consequences: Intended or Unintended
Sample Program Topics Through the Years

The Anti-Rust Club Manuscript Collection (1894 to the present) resides in the Sangamon Valley Collection at the Springfield Lincoln Library. Evident throughout the collection is the pride Anti-Rusters have in membership; the genuine camaraderie between the members; and the vast range of topics tackled over the decades.